[gorjuss] Links for Tuesday, 25th September 2012

Giles Turnbull giles at gilest.org
Tue Sep 25 06:01:22 PDT 2012

Want to hear Dick Costolo trying to explain the API changes? He does
so - not terribly clearly - in this interview at the Online Journalism
Association's conference a few days ago.


The comments about the API stuff start about 18/19 minutes in. Some
interesting stuff about how Costolo sees "the future of Twitter" comes
at about 40 minutes in.

I cut down some ivy in the garden the other day, and for days
afterwards my hands and wrists were covered in an extremely itchy and
uncomfortable rash. I thought "poison ivy" was just an urban (rural?)
myth, but apparently not: it's real. Ouch.


Blimey, pitas.com is still there:


C/2012 S1 is the catchy name for our latest comet companion. It should
be coming close to Earth next year, and might even be a "naked eye
object" between November 2013 and January 2014.


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