[gorjuss] Links for Thursday, 27th November 2014

Giles Turnbull giles at gilest.org
Thu Nov 27 08:18:25 PST 2014

A biography of Sir Robert Walpole. The first in a series.


Rebecca's grandma kept a hand-made dictionary


Alice made this: Tampon Club. It's run by "a shadowy cabal of
menstruating women, natch."


Here's James writing about a clever new artificial skylight. It really
looks like a skylight with blue sky and sunshine overhead, but it's
all just electronics.


This clever page gives you some idea of what hearing loss is like

http://howihear.herokuapp.com/ (thanks @alicebartlett)

An internet radio station that just streams the Goon Show, all the time

http://goons.fabcat.org (thanks @haze______)

Beerbods! One beer, and the story behind it, delivered to you for
£3/week. Kate bought me a sub for my birthday :)


Take a look at their "About" page too: it's nicely done. Just a few
words and pictures, but it tells all the story you need to know.


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