[gorjuss] Links for Wednesday, 1st February 2012

Giles Turnbull gilest at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 09:40:32 PST 2012

Sarah's been making delicious-looking cake pops


The other day I wrote a little snippet about a silly iOS game called Donkey; today, I got an email from the Donkey Society of New South Wales, asking very politely if they could reprint that snippet in their newsletter. Achievement, as I believe they say, unlocked.


Software has been driving me slightly potty recently. Both Preview and TextEdit became unusably slow to launch, so I dug around for alternatives (Skim and Bean - the latter's had a bit of a makeover for its 3.0 release, by the way).

Having then moaned about the state of things on Twitter, the *next* time I launched Preview (by accident), it launched super-swiftly, in one bounce. Maybe it just hates being moaned about on Twitter. Then TextEdit did the same thing! Am baffled.


I also spent a frustrating half an hour getting tied up in knots with the new version of WriteRoom, purchased from the Mac App Store for seven quid.


I know it's been getting rave reviews everywhere, but I was troubled by the lack of a preferences panel, and had to deal with some very odd buggy behaviour (details too tedious to explain here). 

After all my years as a happy WriteRoom customer, I found myself floundering and getting lost, and ended up feeling disappointed and wishing I hadn't upgraded.

I'm pretty sure most of my software woes (#firstworldproblems) are related to running Lion. It does have its good points, but I still often wish I was back on Snow Leopard.

Finally: it's our wedding anniversary today, and Kate knitted me a card:


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