[gorjuss] Links for Wednesday 17th April 2013

Giles Turnbull giles at gilest.org
Wed Apr 17 06:53:27 PDT 2013

My friend Claire, something of an authority on travel in Cuba, took
some pictures of a Cuban beach back in 2010, then again more recently
after Hurricane Sandy. Before and after:


Pocket Lint gets its hands on an X100s. I'm a bit tempted. Can you tell?


And here's another review - a very funny and entertaining one - from Zack Arias


... he seems to like it. Yes.

Film locations in the Cotswolds. I didn't know Butterflies was set and
filmed in Cheltenham. Hands up if you remember Butterflies.


MTPuTTY is a multi-tabbed PuTTY: "enabling you to wrap unlimited
number of PuTTY applications in one tabbed GUI interface"

http://ttyplus.com/multi-tabbed-putty/  (thanks @bealers)

Tom Armitage tells a lovely story about a MUD


I can't stop listening to this song, "Taking Down the Tree," from
Tracy Thorn's album "Tinsel and Lights". It's got Green Gartside and
lovely harmonies.


You may have heard that gov.uk won Design of the Year 2013 last night.
I'm just a tiny lug on a small cog in the machine that is GDS, but
nonetheless: a little shiver of delight went down my spine when I
heard the news. I consider myself hugely fortunate to be working among
so many clever and talented people.

The Service Manual left beta yesterday too. Delve into its pages and
you'll see some video interviews with some of those clever and
talented people. Those are what I've been working on (with Graham
Higgins, a clever and talented filmmaker and editor).


... for example, we filmed Sarah Richards talking about alpha phases:


... and Roo on "How we do agile"


... and Angela Collins-Rees on user research


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