[gorjuss] Links for Thursday, 16th August 2012

Giles Turnbull giles at gilest.org
Thu Aug 16 07:19:36 PDT 2012

(Meant to send this last night. Forgot.)

Barney made this excellent space chair out of Lego


Steven Johnson keeps his ideas in a "spark file"


Me too. Mine's called "ideas" and it lives in Notational
Velocity/Simplenote. Re-reading it frequently is the only way to keep
the ideas churning and evolving.

And yes, that's Medium.


I spent some time exploring it today. What I find interesting is that
there's no user homepage (or none that I can find). If you click on a
user's id, you go to their Twitter feed on the web. It's a clever
concept: you don't need a homepage, because your Twitter feed *is*
your home. And Medium is a place for you to stick everything that
doesn't fit into a Tweet.

It also has collections, rather like Flickr's galleries. Create a
themed collection and add posts (yours and other people's) to it. The
collection has a homepage, because of course it doesn't already have
one on Twitter. No ads. Yet.

Here's the Medium Terms and Conditions. It has an amusing Interlude
half-way through:


Have you ever looked at Svalbard on Google Maps? It's glaciers
everywhere, loads of them. Moraines all over the place. A geology
nerd's playground.

http://goo.gl/maps/ScnQs (Google Maps)

Has anyone tried one of these yet?


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